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Iolite: Gemstone Guiding Inner Journey

by Samar Agarwal 20 Jul 2024
What is Iolite Gemstone blog explained by Luxaore
Iolite stone, also known as Kaka Nili stone, is the twin sister of the Blue sapphire. Although many people confuse it with the blue sapphire, it is one of the finest stones that deserve a place in everyone’s jewelry collection. When the mineral cordite is in its transparent blue form then it is used a s Iolite gemstone.

Iolite stone is its pleochroism that gives its sapphire like color when you look from one direction. However, if you rotate this stone it will appear as clear as water.  These Nili stones have been used since ages by the shamans and sailors for clear visions. This Iolite stone has become popular as a  wedding stone in the 21st century. 

The Iolite stone is cut into different faceted gems and used in fine jewelries as an inexpensive alternative to the Blue sapphires. Besides, this Neeli stone is also known to be the stone of the muses. The word Iolite comes from the Greek word Ios which means violet.  This Nili stone turns darker at night and appears light during the day. 

Also, it is one of the readily available and affordable blue color gemstones and some of other types of Iolite is as good as the natural if not better. 

Type of Iolite (Kaka Nili) Stone

The Iolite stone is one of the famous and affordable varieties of blues stone which has a similar look as of sapphire. Therefore, sometimes people might get confused between the Iolite stone and the blue sapphire. This is also the reason why this Nili stone has become a popular choice in jewelries. 

Type of Iolite Stone Color

Nili stone is a stunning blue color stone which has a semi precious properties.  The Iolite stone color ranges from simple blue to violet. Some of the Neeli stones have bluish purple while oher have yellowish gray color. However, this Iolite stone showed different reflections when viewed at different angles. This is why Nili stone is the most cherished gemstone for its shiny and luxurious property. Moreover, the natural Iolite stone comes in dark shade somewhat with light blue with purple undertones.

Type of Iolite Stone Cuts

Giving shape to any gemstones is not an easy work as one wrong cut could completely destroy the beauty of the gemstones. A perfectly cut Iolite stone will reflect and shine in the direct sunlight. Also, the facets of this Nili stones enhance the Iolite’s pleochroism feature. The angles of this Neeli stone must be shaped straight to blend perfectly with each other. 

Type of Iolite Stone Carat Size

You can find different carats sizes for the Iolite stones. These carat sizes start from 3 and go till 10. The carats does not measure the quality but the size of the stone. If the stone is smaller in size it may range from 3 to 5 carats. But if the stone is from 6 to 8 carats and it is larger in size as well as money. However, any carat size exceeding 8 is relatively uncommon and can be used for high ended wedding jewelleries. 

Benefits Of Iolite Gemstones

Astrological Benefits 

Iolite stone is one of the valuable gems, and it is present on 7 to 7.5 on Mohs scale of hardiness. It's been believed that this stone helps to fill a person's mind with positive thoughts and calms the mind. Nili stone also promotes intuition and self acceptance in people with depression.  Many yoga or metaphysical practitioners used this Nili stone to activate their third eye chakras. 

Healing Benefits

Iolite stone is one of the best gemstones that can help people detoxify their body from the effects of alcohol or drugs. Also this Nili stone helps in treating migraines, indigestions and other physical ailments like paralysis and numb limbness. This Iolite stone also assist in realizing your true inner self. It eliminate your fears and allows you  to overcome your mental pain.  Besides, Nili stone also encourages people to be independent and overcome dependency on your partnership. 

Problem-solving Benefits

There are many problem-solving benefits of the Nili stone Iolite that includes the poor decision making, lack of motivation, underconfidence attitude etc. It improve pur creativity and help us to think out of the box therefore this stone is very intense for human mind. Lastly Iolite stone helps to achieve a  focused mind through calming an hyper mind. Luxaore

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